Cycling & Walking
I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride it where I like.
Riding or walking instead of driving is great for the environment, great for fitness, great for reducing traffic, parking and stress and great for the hip pocket! Why not try riding to The Space today!
Please ensure that you have a good quality bike lock in order to lock up your bike when you come to The Space.
There are a number of bicycle parks available around The Space, including signs and loops immediately in front of The Space on the corner of Chapel and Carlton Sts, and along Chapel St. In addition a number of bicycles may be chained to the gate at the front of the entrance to The Space on the corner of Chapel St.
Bicycle Victoria is a fantastic resource for all things cycling.
Here is Bicycle Victoria's Home Page .
Here is a page with bike paths around Melbourne .
For those who are not confident riding their bike, we have arranged a free 6 hour short course entitled City Cycling with Confidence . To book in please call The Space on 9529 3949 - this course runs whenever we have enough participants!
Last Updated (Tuesday, 20 July 2010 17:46)